Wednesday, 22 January 2014

Location Recce

In today's lesson we completed the location recce sheets. I completed the location recce sheet for the sixth form common room, Tayla completed a location recce for the sixth form toilets, Conall complete one for the playground and Keeley completed a location recce sheet for the bedroom as it was going to be filmed in her house. The sixth form common room is going to be used for the scene where Jemma is sitting with her friends and they begin to subtly make hurtful comments towards her, it then shows Jemma walking off to get some food and the three girls run off away from her. Jemma then runs off to the toilets where the next scene takes place.  I firstly went to visit the common room to take pictures and also to see the lighting level, noise level, potential hazards and I could then decide on the overall suitability of the location. The lighting level in the common room tends to come from the natural lighting from outside, and therefore we will not find out what the lighting is going to be like until the day of filming. The noise level in the sixth form common room also depends on the time of day that we decide to film. As we want people to be in the common room, but do not want it to be too noisy we would have to pick a time, such as during a free period, where not many people are in there. There are not many hazards which could occur in this setting apart from tripping over chairs or bags, or any equipment left lying around. Overall i believe that this setting is good for this scene as it tends to be quite during free periods but there are still people who would be sitting in there which will make it look realistic. Also it is a wide and open space and therefore there will be a lot of room for the actors, crew and equipment that we would need to be using. The location recce sheets are important in the planning stage because they allow the production crew to see if the location is suitable due to the lighting/noise level and potential risks. 
Below I have included a picture of the location recce sheet for the sixth form common room.

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