Tuesday, 3 June 2014

Final Draft- Social action and community media production.

After receiving feedback from the second draft of my social action media campaign I then went back and changed my social action production. This was so that it was not only better suited to my target market, but was also up to a professional standard.
I started by adjusting the titles again, making sure that they were all the same size and font, and also that they included the Beatbullying.org logo. As well as this I added in titles to add effective. These were in the physical and subtle bullying scenes where I had short quick titles, which I then the dissolve to white transition to make them seem as though they were flashing in and out. In these titles I have included hurtful words, or examples of things which are classed as bullying such as leaving a person out.
As well as this I have also added a blurred effect to the end shots of the cyber bullying scene, and in the added scene which shows Mitchell drinking the alcohol and taking the pills. This was to show the audience the effect that this type of substance abuse was having on Mitchell, and in the end resulted in suicide.
The main issue that my target audience picked up on was that the audience didn't fit in with the action happening in some of the scenes. Therefore I only added the audio over the whole of the first scene, and then included it during the end of the second scene and again during the end of the third scene. This was then to add emotion to the scenes and also allow the audience to hear the dialogue that is being spoken throughout each scene.
The biggest adjustment that I had made was the audio during the conversation between the girls in scene three. When watching my second draft back I realised that the audio was too quiet and the audience were not able to understand what was being said clearly. Therefore I went back and recorded each actor’s lines using a voice recorder so that each piece of dialogue could be heard clearly. When adding the audio to the timeline it was difficult to match the dialogue in with the actor’s mouths moving, and because of this I believe that I had completed this task to the best of my ability. We had also recorded background noise taken from inside the common room during a busy time so that we were able to include this in our production where the new audio was going to be used.
As well as this I had also added in a range of transitions throughout, including fade to white transitions, and also the cross dissolve transition which allowed me to go from one shot to the other without using a straight cut.
The last change that I had made was adjusting the sound levels on some shots, and making use of the sound bridge technique. The sound bridge technique is where you overlap the audio from one shot to another, allowing the audio from the last shot to play during the beginning of the next shot. This allowed the audio to seem continuous if there was any change in the sound, or any change in background noise. An example of where I had used this technique was coming from scene 1 and straight into scene two. During scene one I had used a soundtrack and therefore I didn't want the music to cut straight from the soundtrack and into the loud wind noise. I therefore carried the audio track along into the beginning of the second scene so that it would ensure that the audio sounded continuous, and didn't just cut from one sound to the next.
I am very happy with my final draft of my anti-bullying social action media production, and believe that all aspects of the production and the three narratives work well together.

Wednesday, 21 May 2014

Social action media production proposal

This prezi presentation shows the proposal of my anti-bullying social action media production.
I have decided to design a presentation as well as writing out the proposal as I believe it is a more interactive and interesting way to show my idea.
I have included my idea summery, the actors and props I am going to be using, the style and form of the production, the group roles that we will be giving ourselves, the locations that we will be filming in, the audio that we will be including, the effects that I will be including when I reach the post-production stage, and finally any social action media campaigns which I believe are similar to one that I will be producing.

Wednesday, 14 May 2014

Task 3- Proposal

I will be creating a new national anti-bullying campaign which will be aimed at 11-19 year olds. The purpose of this campaign will be to inform the public about the issue of bullying, as well as to bring Beatbullying.org to the public’s attention. There will be a range of different techniques which I will be including to ensure that my social action media campaign appeals to my target audience, and also grabs the public’s attention.

This anti-bullying campaign will include young teenage actors who will be in the same age group as the targeted audience. This is because the teenagers watching my advertising campaign may then be able to relate to the characters and what they are going through.
Before coming up with the storyline for my advertising campaign I will be researching into bullying, and also asking young people what they would like to see included in an anti-bullying campaign, and what would stand out to them. After doing this I will then be able to come up with a storyline which is effective, and will keep the audience interested.

When producing my anti-bullying campaign I will attempt to include a famous celebrity who may be known by many young people in my production. By doing this it tends to make people more interested in the production that they are watching, and they may also listen and take in the information which is being given to them as it is a well-known and famous celebrity talking to them. I believe that by doing this young people will change their ways to ensure that they do not bully again as they may look up to this specific celebrity, and would therefore want to do what they say and follow in their footsteps.

Another technique which I will be using will be to include real life stories about bullying, and experiences that people may have had. This could range from victims talking about when they have been bullied during their life, to bullies themselves talking about how much they regret bullying and what impact it had not only on the bully but also on them. By doing this I believe that it will allow people watching the production to feel as though they are not the only ones who have/are being bullied, and that others have gone through the same experience. It may also allow the bullies to see the impact that bullying has on a person and the lasting effect that it could have on them. As well as this I will be including scenarios which show different ways in which people use to bully others, such as Cyberbullying, Physical bullying, racial bullying etc. I will be doing this so that people are able to see what is classed as bullying, and that just because you are saying nasty comments to someone over the internet it still has a lasting negative impact on that person’s life.
When filming this I will also be using many close-up shots to show the facial expressions of the victims whilst they are talking, and also the victims seen in the scenarios. This is so the audience watching the production will be able to see the impact that bullying has on a person, and how the victim feels whilst being bullied. I will also be showing these scenarios from the bully’s point of view so that people are able to see how they feel whilst bullying someone, and what effect it has on them.
After each scene I will also be including titles which will include statistics based on the type of bullying which has been shown, and how many people have been affected by this type of bullying. This will allow the audience to see the impact that bullying has on young people from real life cases.

Another technique which I will be using in my anti-bullying social action media production will be adding audio. I will be searching over the internet on websites such as ‘Youtube.com’ to find cover versions of songs, which I will then be asking for permission to include in my production. I will be looking for slow/sad music as I believe that this will add emotion to my anti-bullying production, and will allow the audience to understand the mood that I want to set.

The final technique which I will be using will be low key lighting. I will be using low key lighting throughout as I believe that it will give off a sad and unhappy impression. This will allow the audience to capture the mood of the production, and may also add emotion.

I believe that by including each one of these techniques it will allow my production to appeal to my target audience, and will entice them into watching the production. This is because I am going to be using teenage actors so that they will be able to relate to them, as well as using typical storylines which teenagers would be able to understand, and may have experienced before. Although when doing this I will have to ensure that I use the right terminology which teenagers will be able to understand, and will be including common phrases used by teenagers. I will be using three different narratives which will be set in areas where teenagers are most likely to go, such as their bedroom or in a school. I am going to be including three different narratives as it will allow the audience to see three different types of bullying which are not only the most common, but are the types which not everybody knows about and if they do they are not fully aware about the impact that they have on a person.
I want my production to not only inform my target audience about the issue of bullying, but also to make them fully aware that bullying has serious consequences on a person, such as leading to suicide. I will be showing the impact of each form of bullying throughout my production as I want the audience to understand this, and hopefully to make sure that bullying is stopped, or at least cut down in schools. I also want my production to bring Beatbullying.org to the public’s attention as they are an anti-bullying organisation set up to give people advice and support on the issue of bullying. Most people who are bullied tend to feels as though they are alone, but by visiting this website it will help them to see that there are people to help and that others are going through the same experiences as them.


Thursday, 8 May 2014

Audience feedback

I created a questionnaire which consisted of questions based around y social action media production. These questions included what they thought about the production, whether they thought that the production fits its purpose (which was to inform the public about the issue of bullying), whether they understood the storyline and what was happening in each scene, if I targeted my anti-bullying production at the right market (15-19) and finally whether they thought that there was anything that I should change/improve on to get the message across in a better way.
To find students to fill in my questionnaire I went around Manshead School and looked for students who fitted into my 15-19 market. When going around school it was mostly sixth form students who were able to fill out my questionnaire and they also fit into my target market. I asked eight people in total to fill out my questionnaire which were all aged 17-18.
From the feedback that I received all eight people asked believed that my social action media production fits its purpose, and that it does inform viewers about the issue of bullying. The reasons for this was that it gives a definition about what bullying actually is and also includes statistics which allows the public to see how many young people bullying actually affects.
Everybody also understood the storyline throughout the production, and that I demonstrated the three types of bullying effectively. When asking my target market whether they believed that I had targeted the right market the majority had agreed with me that I had, although a couple of people had said that I should have began the target market at 13/14 and also one person said at the age of 9 so that people are aware of bullying when they are young, and this may therefore stop them bullying when they grow up. Although, I don’t believe that this would be a suitable target market due to the content that I have included as it shows a person being kicked and pushed to the floor. Also I don’t believe that they would understand some of the information that I had included in the titles. Most people said that when including the slow motion editing technique that it captured the characters facial expression more clearly, and also that the production looks continuous throughout. Everybody that I had asked also believed that the audio fits in with the storyline, and that it adds an emotion effect. When asking the whether there are any changes that I should make to my production most people said that the acting wasn’t brilliant, and also that I should include more titles explaining each scene.

Overall I am very happy with the feedback that I had received from my questionnaire as the majority of the feedback was very positive. Although, most people had commented on adding more titles which I am going to go back and add throughout the production, and also some people said that the audio didn’t fit in with some of the scenes which I will again go back and change, and maybe use a different piece of audio during some of the scenes.

As well as creating a questionnaire I also carried out a set of three interviews, asking them the same questions as the ones in the questionnaire, which I recorded on camera.
I decided to carry out this type of audience feedback as it enabled me to get more detailed answers which I wasn't able to get from the questionnaires that i had given out. I also ensured that I interviewed three students which were in my targeted group (15-19).
The video that i had recorded is below, and I have also added in titles which includes the questions that i asked.

Wednesday, 7 May 2014

Social action media anti-bullying campaign- Second draft

Below is my completed second draft of my social action and community media advertising campaign. This second draft shows all of the changes that I have made from the feedback that I was given. 
In this draft I had included another scene which we had filmed showing Mitchell drinking the alcohol and taking the pills.  This was to show the public the effect that bullying can have on a person, and that it can result in serious consequences. I have also made adjustments to the length of some shots as they went on for too long and the audience lost interest. 
As well as this I had adjust the titles and made them shorter by changing the way that I had worded them, and making sure that all the titles were the same size so that they look continuous throughout. I have also added titles at different places during each scene to cut up some of the long shots which went on for too long. During the first scene I had also included a shot showing the ‘bully’ ringing Mitchells phone. This then shows the audience that someone is ringing Mitchell as they are not able to hear the phone ringing during the scene. I had also used more transitions throughout going from one scene to the next to ensure that my production looked continuous throughout. 
After receiving feedback about my second draft of my social action media production I am going to go back and adjust my video so that it appeals to my target market. The first thing that I will be changing will be my use of audio. Most people believed that the audio didn’t fit in with some shots and scenes, and therefore I will be removing the audio and only placing it where it fits in with the action happening and the storyline. Also you are not able to hear the actors speaking very clearly during the last scene and therefore I will go back and record the actors speaking into a voice recorder, and then go on to add this audio in, fitting it in with the action happening in the scene. 

Wednesday, 30 April 2014

Questionnaire for Anti-bullying media production

I have created a questionnaire which I will be giving out to my target market (15-19) which is about my anti-bullying social action media production. The questionnaire will enable me to write up a review about my anti-bullying production including the feedback from my targeted market. It will also enable me to see about anything that I could improve in relation to my production, and whether the audience understood the aim of my production.




I have decided to ask four people the same questions in an interview style. I am going to be doing this so that I can get more feedback from the questions that I am asking as I am going to be asking open questions. This will allow me to see whether there is any improvements that I will be able to make, and also whether they understood the storyline for each scene of my social action media production.

Thursday, 24 April 2014

Task 2- Case studies

This prezi presentation is about social action and community media campaigns which have been produced. I have researched and looked into three different organisations which have created a social action media production, which were all produced to make people aware of the issues discussed in the media productions. The organisations that I had researched into were ‘This is abuse’ ‘UNICEF’ and also ‘Stand up, Speak up’ which was an organisation created by Nike. All of these organisations had created social media production which related to issues such as racism, abuse in relationships and also issues which occur in third-world countries. In this presentation I spoke about the organisations, the aims of their productions, the techniques used and if these techniques worked. Each organisation that I had researched into were and are very successful, and the main reason for this is because of the social action media productions that they had produced.