Thursday, 8 May 2014

Audience feedback

I created a questionnaire which consisted of questions based around y social action media production. These questions included what they thought about the production, whether they thought that the production fits its purpose (which was to inform the public about the issue of bullying), whether they understood the storyline and what was happening in each scene, if I targeted my anti-bullying production at the right market (15-19) and finally whether they thought that there was anything that I should change/improve on to get the message across in a better way.
To find students to fill in my questionnaire I went around Manshead School and looked for students who fitted into my 15-19 market. When going around school it was mostly sixth form students who were able to fill out my questionnaire and they also fit into my target market. I asked eight people in total to fill out my questionnaire which were all aged 17-18.
From the feedback that I received all eight people asked believed that my social action media production fits its purpose, and that it does inform viewers about the issue of bullying. The reasons for this was that it gives a definition about what bullying actually is and also includes statistics which allows the public to see how many young people bullying actually affects.
Everybody also understood the storyline throughout the production, and that I demonstrated the three types of bullying effectively. When asking my target market whether they believed that I had targeted the right market the majority had agreed with me that I had, although a couple of people had said that I should have began the target market at 13/14 and also one person said at the age of 9 so that people are aware of bullying when they are young, and this may therefore stop them bullying when they grow up. Although, I don’t believe that this would be a suitable target market due to the content that I have included as it shows a person being kicked and pushed to the floor. Also I don’t believe that they would understand some of the information that I had included in the titles. Most people said that when including the slow motion editing technique that it captured the characters facial expression more clearly, and also that the production looks continuous throughout. Everybody that I had asked also believed that the audio fits in with the storyline, and that it adds an emotion effect. When asking the whether there are any changes that I should make to my production most people said that the acting wasn’t brilliant, and also that I should include more titles explaining each scene.

Overall I am very happy with the feedback that I had received from my questionnaire as the majority of the feedback was very positive. Although, most people had commented on adding more titles which I am going to go back and add throughout the production, and also some people said that the audio didn’t fit in with some of the scenes which I will again go back and change, and maybe use a different piece of audio during some of the scenes.

As well as creating a questionnaire I also carried out a set of three interviews, asking them the same questions as the ones in the questionnaire, which I recorded on camera.
I decided to carry out this type of audience feedback as it enabled me to get more detailed answers which I wasn't able to get from the questionnaires that i had given out. I also ensured that I interviewed three students which were in my targeted group (15-19).
The video that i had recorded is below, and I have also added in titles which includes the questions that i asked.

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