Thursday, 24 April 2014

Task 2- Case studies

This prezi presentation is about social action and community media campaigns which have been produced. I have researched and looked into three different organisations which have created a social action media production, which were all produced to make people aware of the issues discussed in the media productions. The organisations that I had researched into were ‘This is abuse’ ‘UNICEF’ and also ‘Stand up, Speak up’ which was an organisation created by Nike. All of these organisations had created social media production which related to issues such as racism, abuse in relationships and also issues which occur in third-world countries. In this presentation I spoke about the organisations, the aims of their productions, the techniques used and if these techniques worked. Each organisation that I had researched into were and are very successful, and the main reason for this is because of the social action media productions that they had produced.

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