Friday, 11 October 2013

Task 2B- Primary Research

As a group we carried out primary research into the issue of bullying, and the current issues surrounding both the Beatbullying organisation and Bullying inside and outside of school. We carried out both a focus group, consisting of students aged between 13-16, and also we gave out around 40 questionnaires to sixth form students around school, mostly aged between 16-18. From the questionnaire we found out what young people would define bullying as, and also if they have ever been bullied, and what are the reasons that they believe that people get bullied.  We also asked them whether they knew about the organisation ‘’, and whether they had seen any anti-bullying campaigns.
From the focus group we had concluded information on what they would define bullying as. Also whether they had heard about the organisation, or used their website. From the focus group we wasn’t able to conclude as much information as the students were quite passive, and quiet in front of us, and therefore needed the teachers in the room to prompt them.
From carrying out this primary research it gave us an insight into what people believe that bullying should defined as. Also it allowed us to see whether many people had heard about the Beatbullying organisation, and whether they had used any of their services. From the feedback that we had gathered from both the questionnaire and the focus group we had concluded that not many people have heard about the Beatbullying organisation, and also that they have not seen many anti-bullying advertisements shown on TV at the moment.  
Therefore by creating an anti-bullying advertising campaign we are going to promote the Beatbullying organisation, and also bring the issue of bullying to the public’s attention.

Focus group results

Questionnaire results

Primary Research 24/10/13

Phone call:
As we wanted to find out more information on both me and Tayla decided to make a phone call to the Beatbullying press office.
When Tayla was making the phone call we wanted to find out whether we needed permission to use in our anti-bullying video production, and whether we could talk about what they do, and how they help young people who are being bullied. When asking them this they said that it was fine to talk about the organisation as long as we emailed them our finished video before we posted it on our blogs or anywhere else. We also wanted to find out whether they were able to send us a press package which includes information on the organisation, which they said that we were able to download it off their website.
Lastly, we wanted to find out if there was a representative from who we could go and interview either in person or on the phone, and record this interview which we would be including in our final production. In the interview we would be asking them questions about the organisation, and finding out from a representative working for the organisations point of view, rather than just finding out over the internet. Unfortunately they said that this was unlikely as it is currently anti-bullying week and everybody is very busy.
After making a phone call to the organisation, we also decided to email the Beatbullying press office. We firstly wanted to thank them for taking the time to speak to us over the phone, and answer all of the questions that we needed to ask them. Also we told them what we will include in our anti-bullying advertisement, and what we were going to talk about in relation to We did this so that they were able to see everything that we was going to be talking about in our video, and that everything we were going to say about was positive, and we would include how they help young people who are being bullied.
We lastly asked them whether it would be possible to have an recorded interview with a representative from the company, although they had said that this wouldn’t be possible in the phone call we wanted to ask whether it would be possible later on in the year. Also we said that a phone interview would also be fine, however we have not heard back from them yet.
This is a copy of the email that we had sent:

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