Monday, 21 October 2013

Task 2C- Audience research

Audience profile-
This is a PowerPoint presentation showing our audience profile. The audience profile is used to show who we are aiming our anti-bullying advertising campaign at, and talks about their gender, age, likes/dislikes, ethnic background, sexuality etc.

Friday, 11 October 2013

Task 2B- Primary Research

As a group we carried out primary research into the issue of bullying, and the current issues surrounding both the Beatbullying organisation and Bullying inside and outside of school. We carried out both a focus group, consisting of students aged between 13-16, and also we gave out around 40 questionnaires to sixth form students around school, mostly aged between 16-18. From the questionnaire we found out what young people would define bullying as, and also if they have ever been bullied, and what are the reasons that they believe that people get bullied.  We also asked them whether they knew about the organisation ‘’, and whether they had seen any anti-bullying campaigns.
From the focus group we had concluded information on what they would define bullying as. Also whether they had heard about the organisation, or used their website. From the focus group we wasn’t able to conclude as much information as the students were quite passive, and quiet in front of us, and therefore needed the teachers in the room to prompt them.
From carrying out this primary research it gave us an insight into what people believe that bullying should defined as. Also it allowed us to see whether many people had heard about the Beatbullying organisation, and whether they had used any of their services. From the feedback that we had gathered from both the questionnaire and the focus group we had concluded that not many people have heard about the Beatbullying organisation, and also that they have not seen many anti-bullying advertisements shown on TV at the moment.  
Therefore by creating an anti-bullying advertising campaign we are going to promote the Beatbullying organisation, and also bring the issue of bullying to the public’s attention.

Focus group results

Questionnaire results

Primary Research 24/10/13

Phone call:
As we wanted to find out more information on both me and Tayla decided to make a phone call to the Beatbullying press office.
When Tayla was making the phone call we wanted to find out whether we needed permission to use in our anti-bullying video production, and whether we could talk about what they do, and how they help young people who are being bullied. When asking them this they said that it was fine to talk about the organisation as long as we emailed them our finished video before we posted it on our blogs or anywhere else. We also wanted to find out whether they were able to send us a press package which includes information on the organisation, which they said that we were able to download it off their website.
Lastly, we wanted to find out if there was a representative from who we could go and interview either in person or on the phone, and record this interview which we would be including in our final production. In the interview we would be asking them questions about the organisation, and finding out from a representative working for the organisations point of view, rather than just finding out over the internet. Unfortunately they said that this was unlikely as it is currently anti-bullying week and everybody is very busy.
After making a phone call to the organisation, we also decided to email the Beatbullying press office. We firstly wanted to thank them for taking the time to speak to us over the phone, and answer all of the questions that we needed to ask them. Also we told them what we will include in our anti-bullying advertisement, and what we were going to talk about in relation to We did this so that they were able to see everything that we was going to be talking about in our video, and that everything we were going to say about was positive, and we would include how they help young people who are being bullied.
We lastly asked them whether it would be possible to have an recorded interview with a representative from the company, although they had said that this wouldn’t be possible in the phone call we wanted to ask whether it would be possible later on in the year. Also we said that a phone interview would also be fine, however we have not heard back from them yet.
This is a copy of the email that we had sent:

Thursday, 10 October 2013

Task 1-Social action Media ideas

This is my mind map of ideas for my social action video production. This mind map is based around the issue of self-image, and how I will be incorporating it into my social action video production. It also includes both the advantages and disadvantages of my advertising campaign, and I have also spoken about two organisations which deal with the issue of self-image. By carrying out this research it will help me to then come up with a final idea with my group, and also to get a better understand of the organisations dealing with the issue of self-image. 

Task 2A-Secondary research on

This is secondary research that I carried out about the organisation ‘’. This information is screenshots taken from the website about the organisation, what they do, which age group/gender they target and any statistics I could find on the organisation. Also I looked into the ethical considerations that the organisation have to take into place.
This information will help me as I have chosen the Beatbullying organisation to create an advertising campaign for, and therefore this information will help me get a better understanding of the organisation.

-The issues and needs surrounding the organisation

The Beatbullying organisation needs are to assist and support young people that are being bullied, and to re-educate the behaviour of the young people who bully. Beatbullying looks to involve volunteers within the organisation to;
  1. ‘ensure that our services meet the needs of our children and young people across London, regionally and nationally;’
  2. ‘provide new skills and perspectives;’
  3. ‘Maintain and build on our links with the local community we serve.’
-The Ethical considerations
When creating an advertising campaign ethical issues should always be taken into consideration, especially if the campaign is based on a sensitive issue such as bullying.
The organisation is extremely concerned about the welfare and safety of every young person that they work with. They believe that all children have the right to be safe, and their responsibility is to make sure that they are. have both online and offline programmes, which provide a safe space, and an environment where people feel secure, valued, listen to, supported and are taken seriously. However, at all times the safety of the young person is their top priority. To ensure that this happens they have put in place training and procedures to support the Beatbullying staff, its counselling team, CyberMentors and Volunteer counsellors in their understanding of what they need to know and need to do in the event of a disclosure made by a young person either offline or online through the Beatbulling website.
Bullying is a clear safeguarding issue for young people in society today, and their mission states that they ‘strive to create a world where bullying, violence and harassment are unacceptable’. Although when working towards this goal the Beatbullying team come into contact with some of the most vulnerable young people in society today, and it is their duty as a anti-bullying children’s charity to support and assist them in the most responsible and professional way possible. BeatBullying works closely in partnership with agencies like CEOP (in the reporting of grooming and internet safety concerns) and Local Safeguarding Boards. Their approach towards these vulnerable young people is sensitive and consensual.
-How much money was raised through donations in the last campaign
As is a charity they get money through donations and fundraising. What your donation pays for;
 pays for us to respond to one child that has been bullied. Last year there were 715,287 requests for help from very vulnerable children through
 could keep the CyberMentor service online for another hour
 could pay for a suicidal victim of bullying or child on child violence to talk online to one of our fully trained and qualified counsellors that are registered members of the BACP about their experiences for the first time
could pay for a child to train to be a CyberMentor, giving them the skills to help other children and young people who do not feel able to share their experiences of being bullied with an adult
 could pay to run the CyberMentor programme for an entire year in your local school
could allow us to deliver the entire CyberMentor programme for one year providing critical life-saving support to at least 700,000 children and young people.
-How much work they have currently done on the issues
BeatBullying programmes are and have been independently evaluated by institutions and organisations such as New Philanthropy Capital, Sussex University and the Department for Education.
They have a range of bespoke anti-bullying programmes which are available to schools and groups for specialist issues;
Pupil Referral Units
Young Carers
Young Offenders
Young Travellers
Looked After Young People
Sexual Bullying
General Mental Health
Learning Difficulties
Whole School Approach
Independent/Boarding Schools
Early Years
In the years since the organisation was founded they have delivered an exceptionally strong performance, starting from doubling their turnover year after year.
In 2009, the charity had a significant process of growth as they had increased their staff, volunteers, counsellors and CyberMentors.
They currently employ nearly
100 staff with 50 volunteer staff and over 3000 young people volunteering as CyberMentors.

This is a Prezi presentation talking about the secondary information I had found from the two books, Bullying and Bullying in our society. Both of these books have given me the information that I needed to help with my final production.
Both of the books that I have looked at were based around the issue of bullying in young people, and talked about bullying both inside and outside of school. They both had a lot of detailed information, and gave me statistics and a definition of what bullying actually is.

Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Task 2E- Production research

This prezi presentation is looking at production research into three different social action video productions. Their aims were to raise awareness for both the organisation and the issues covered. I have looked into these three campaigns to look at what they have included in relation to the content, mise-en-scene, where the campaigns were shown, and also if they had included any statistics etc. By researching into these things it will help me to see what I should include in my social action production so that I raise awareness for both the issue of bullying, raise awareness of the Beatbullying organisation, and also to ensure that my production is successful.

Task 2d- Market Research

Market research:

Market research is a research method used to find out about the market and their customers. I am going to be conducting market research into the social action market to find out the size, competitors, and need for my social action TV production (advertising campaign). This will then help me to produce a production that will meet the needs of the market, will have the competitive edge and will be effective in promoting the awareness of the’ Beatbullying’ organisation and also the issue of bullying.  

What is the social action/community (Charity/not-for-profit) advertising market like?
The social action/community advertising market tends to be used by charities/organisations to promote awareness of their organisation, and also the issue that their organisation is surrounding. These organisations don’t tend to produce these campaigns for profit or fundraising needs, although some charities do. There are international charities which are set up to raise money for children living in third-world countries such as Africa. These charities try and play on the emotions of the public watching so that they are more likely, and feel as though they should donate money to the charity.

 What kinds/types of adverts are currently available?
There are many different types of social action/community adverts currently available to the public at the moment. There are advertisements put in place for both animals and humans, where they set out to promote the organisations and raise awareness of the issue surrounding it. In relation to the animal advertisements they tend to produce an advertising campaign to not only raise awareness, but to ask members of the public to donate to their organisation. There are many human advertisements which do this to, for example there are advertisements created to promote international charities which set out to help children from third-world countries. When creating their advertising campaigns they aim to play on the emotions of the public so that they are more likely to donate. They then use this money to help third-world countries, and also promote the organisation to a larger audience.
There is also advertising campaigns based around abuse in relationships, where it shows a boy banging against a glass as he sees himself abusing his girlfriend. This advert is used to promote abuse in relationships, and to also promote the organisation ‘This is abuse’ which helps to cut down on abuse in relationships.

What is the competition like?
The competition would be any organisation which are aimed at teenagers and is based on teenage issues, but the main competition against my advertising campaign would be anti-bullying adverts. There are many advertising campaigns which are based around teenage issues such as relationship abuse, alcohol abuse and drug abuse. The advertising campaign for the organisation ‘this is abuse’ was based around relationship abuse in teens. Although this advertising campaign would be competition against my advertising campaign as they are both aimed at teenagers, any anti-bullying campaigns which have been produced I would be competing with. The main competition which our advertising campaign will be up against is the ‘Diana Award’. This is because their aims and objectives are the same as ours, which is to cut down on bullying, and to promote the issue of bullying.
In this prezi presentation I have looked at the social action market where I have researched into two competitors of the organisation This is going to help me understand the market, and make my production more competitive so that it is successful in the social action market.