Wednesday, 30 April 2014

Questionnaire for Anti-bullying media production

I have created a questionnaire which I will be giving out to my target market (15-19) which is about my anti-bullying social action media production. The questionnaire will enable me to write up a review about my anti-bullying production including the feedback from my targeted market. It will also enable me to see about anything that I could improve in relation to my production, and whether the audience understood the aim of my production.




I have decided to ask four people the same questions in an interview style. I am going to be doing this so that I can get more feedback from the questions that I am asking as I am going to be asking open questions. This will allow me to see whether there is any improvements that I will be able to make, and also whether they understood the storyline for each scene of my social action media production.

Thursday, 24 April 2014

Task 2- Case studies

This prezi presentation is about social action and community media campaigns which have been produced. I have researched and looked into three different organisations which have created a social action media production, which were all produced to make people aware of the issues discussed in the media productions. The organisations that I had researched into were ‘This is abuse’ ‘UNICEF’ and also ‘Stand up, Speak up’ which was an organisation created by Nike. All of these organisations had created social media production which related to issues such as racism, abuse in relationships and also issues which occur in third-world countries. In this presentation I spoke about the organisations, the aims of their productions, the techniques used and if these techniques worked. Each organisation that I had researched into were and are very successful, and the main reason for this is because of the social action media productions that they had produced.

Wednesday, 23 April 2014

First draft- Social action and community media production.

First Draft- Social action and Community media Anti-bullying advertising campaign

Below is my completed first draft of my social action and community media advertising campaign. This advertising campaign is based around the issue of bullying, and the different forms of bullying which take place. This includes Cyberbullying, Physical bullying, and finally Subtle bullying which is bullying which may not always be obvious to everyone, and may be seen as joking around with friends. Each form of bullying has a lasting effect on a young person, and in this campaign you are able to see how hurt and upset it makes some people feel, and the extent that some people may go to because they are being bullied.
In my advertising campaign I have also included statistics based around the issue of bullying which I had taken from is an anti-bullying organisation/charity which was set up to try and stop bullying amongst young people. They also have an online website which allows you to talk to mentors who are able to give you help and advice if you are being bullied, or if you just need somebody to talk to. This website is a very effective way of getting young people to open up about the problems that they are going through, and to see that they are not alone. This is the reason why I have included the website in my advertising campaign because if any young person is able to relate to the video they may feel as though they want some help and advice on the issue, or if anybody does not fully understand what bullying actually is the website is also able to inform people on the issue of bullying.
To ensure that my production is as effective as possible I have included a range of shots, including close-up so that the audience is able to see how the victim is feeling throughout. I have also included a range of transitions such as ‘fade to black’ so that each scene flows into each other, and that my production looks continuous throughout.
When importing music into my production I decided to use a slow, sad song as I wanted the audio to reflect the mood of the production. I believe that this song reflects the mood of the production well, and it helps the audience to capture the mood, and adds emotion.
I believe that the first draft of my advertising campaign shows the audience varies forms of bullying which take place, and shows them the impact that bullying has on a person. I believe that it will allow the audience to see what bullying actually is, and that it can sometimes have a bigger impact than most people think. Also, I believe that whilst watching my anti-bullying campaign young people may be able to relate to the storyline, as we have used teenage actors, and then go on to visit the website for help and advice on the issue of bullying. There are a few changes which I will be making when it comes to creating the second draft of my anti-bullying advertising campaign. The first change that I will be making is to re-film sections of scene one. I will be re-filming the shot where the camera is pointing at the alcohol and pills as I wanted to focus on both of these things and then blur out everything else in the background. As I am not able to do this during the editing stage I will have to go back and do it using a button on the camera that I will be using to film. I may also re-film sections where Mitchell is on the laptop and then his phone begins to ring. This is because in one shot the laptop is on the bed and in the next shot it isn’t there. This means that the shots do not look continuous, and therefore my production is not up to a professional standard. Finally I may decide to take out shots which are not needed, and will change anything once I have received some feedback.

Wednesday, 2 April 2014

Editing- First draft of my social action media production.

Setting up my project
Before I could begin editing my first draft I had to set up a project in premiere, which is an editing software provided by the school. To do this I followed a step-by-step guide which allowed me to ensure that I had set up the project in the correct way. It is important to do this as you have to ensure that you click on the camera that you have used to record the footage, otherwise the project will not look right.
When setting up my project I ensured that I clicked on the 'AVCHD 1090p25 Anamorphic' section as this was the camera that we had used to film our project. Before doing this I had to find where I was going tobe saving my media project, which was in the Media drive, in our folder which was called 'Tayla, Laura, Conall and Keeley new'.

Importing footage
After doing this I then began to import the footage that we had filmed onto premiere project which I had just set up. I started by importing the first scene, which shows a teenage boy being bullied over the internet. I then imported scene two, which shows a boy being physically bullied because of his sexual orientation, and then finally imported scene three which shows a teenage girl being ‘subtly’ bullied by her friends. I imported all of this footage by using my shot logs and edit decision lists which I had completed during the pre-production stage. Both of these documents told me what shots I was going to be using, the section of the shot that i will be using and also what edit I was going to use to go from one shot to the next.

Placing footage on the timeline
After importing the footage I then went on to place the footage onto the timeline. To do this I looked at my edit decision list which told me the order in which I was going to be putting the shots into on the timeline, and also what shot goes with which scene. I began by putting all of the footage from the first scene onto the timeline, and ensured that it was in order so that my production would look continuous throughout. I then went on to place the other two scenes onto the timeline in the order that I had written in my edit decision list. To place the footage on the timeline you only have to drag and drop the footage, but you must ensure that it goes into the video section on the timeline, and also that when placing footage onto the timeline that you don't drop the footage over other pieces of footage. As I had used my edit decision list I didn't include in and out points, and therefore when placing the footage onto the timeline I used the cutting tool to cut the scene to then go into the next shot.