As we were not going to be using any of the footage that we had filmed during
the last filming date we decided to re-film the whole of scene 3. Scene three
shows the three girls sitting at a table talking and giggling when Jemma walks
over. The three girls then begin to make comments towards Jemma and leave her
out of conversations. Jemma then walks over to get a drink and the three girls
then run off leaving Jemma on her own. Jemma then runs into the toilets and
goes into a cubical where she starts to cry. The three girls then walk into the
toilets and see that Jemma has been crying and then say to her that it was all
only a joke. This scene is an example of ‘subtle’ bullying, which is when the
nasty comments that they are making towards their ‘friend’ is bullying just the
bullies and sometimes the victims don’t see it.
When filming this scene again the actors we used firstly couldn’t film again,
therefore both me and Tayler decided to play the two ‘bullies’ and another
actor played Jemma. Conall then filmed and was in charge of controlling the
sound levels by using the boom mic, and also by using a tie mic. We had decided
to use a tie mic so that you would be able to hear Jemma talking loudly and
clearly throughout the conversation with the two girls. Me and Tayler also took
on the roles of directing ourselves and made sure that we knew what to say, and
where we should be in the shot.
We had firstly filmed an
establishing shot of the sixth form common room so that the audience could see
where the scene was going to be set. We then filmed the scene the whole way
through by using a mid-shot showing all the actors in the scene. After filming
the scene the whole way through we then filmed the scene again using a close-up
shot showing the two ‘bullies’ talking throughout the conversation, and we then
used a close-up shot showing Jemma during the conversation. We then went on to
film close up’s which show Jemma’s facial expressions when the girls run off
and leave her on her own, and also when she is standing in the toilets crying.
We tried to use a range of shots such as ‘match on action’ which shows the hand
of one of the girls opening the door, and then showing both of the girls walking
through the door. We did this so that this scene would look continuous
The camera work looked professional throughout, and as a group we have agreed
that we would not have to re-film any part of this scene. This is because there
weren’t many people in the background of each shot and therefore you are able
to clearly hear what the actors are saying throughout the scene. Also as we
used both the boom mic and tie mic it had picked up the actors speaking, and
therefore you are able to understand what they are saying. Also we ensured that
we used a range of angles and shots so that we had enough shots to include in
our final production. Also we wanted to use close up shots to show the actors
facial expressions, and so that the audience are able to understand how the
victim is feeling throughout.
As a group we had all worked well together as we had each individually added
our input into each shot and camera angles that we used. We also used all of
the equipment as effectively as possible, and had used them to the best of our
ability. We had placed both the boom mic in a place which we believed that it
would pick up the best sound, and also had put the tie mic as close to Jemma’s
mouth as possible without being able to see it during the shot. We also filmed in a place in the common room
which was the lightest so that you could see the actors clearly, and we also
kept the lights off so that the lighting looked continuous throughout.
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