Friday, 28 March 2014

Editing first draft-27/03/2014

In today’s lesson I continued to edit the first draft of my anti-bullying advertising campaign.
I began by checking over all of the footage that I had recently edited together to make sure all the shots were in order, and also that all the action happening in the shots matched up.
Adding transitions: Whilst looking over the footage I added in some cross dissolve 
transitions as this allowed the action to look continuous, and was more effective than using a simple cut. I used the cross dissolve editing technique quite a lot during the first scene whilst Mitchell receives a call from an unknown number, and also whilst he is scrolling 
through Facebook on his laptop. This allowed the shot to
look continuous, and would fade into the next shot rather
than just cutting straight from one piece of action to another.  

I then looked at the end of scene two which shows Lewis being kicked whilst lying on the floor.  At the end of the scene I have included a shot where Lewis looks towards the camera. This shot is used to show a close-up shot of Lewis’s facial expressions whilst being kicked by the bullies. This shot was quite short and therefore the audience were not able to see Lewis’s facial expressions for a long period of time. Therefore I slowed down the speed of the shot, and this allowed the action to look as though it was going in slow motion. This will then allow the audience to see clearly how upset Lewis is actually feeling. 

When moving on to the third scene I added a fade in and fade out transition at both the beginning and end of the scene. 

Adding titles:

After doing this I then went back to the second scene and added titles to the end of the scene stating how many young 

people are physically abused, and also on how many cases weapons are used when a bullying occurs.  To do this I firstly added a blank title. I then went onto the '' website to find some statistics on physical bullying, and if there was any information on the topic which I could include in my
final production. After doing this I then added the
'' logo onto the title so that the audience
 will be able to see that I got the statistic from Beatbullying.

Importing audio:
After doing this I then imported music onto my premiere project. This music included a piano cover of ‘Strong’ by London Gramma which is quite a slow, sad song. I had chosen this cover to include in my final production because I believe that it fits in well with the theme of the storyline which is being shown, and also portrays the mood of the production. 


During the next editing stage I will be placing the soundtrack on the timeline, and including the music where it will best portray the mood of the advertising campaign. I will also be adding titles to the end of scene three, and may also include video transitions to help each shot go continuously into the next. 

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