Friday, 28 March 2014

Editing First draft- 28/03/2014

In today’s lesson I had completed editing the first draft of my anti-bullying social action media advertising campaign.
Adjusting the sound levels:
I began the lesson by adjusting the sound levels on some of the shots, as during some parts some shots sounded a lot louder than others, and also the background noise was quite loud in a few shots. I began by adjusting the sound levels on the first scene. This was because there was no audio going on throughout the scene, apart from certain shots where Mitchel’s phone was ringing or you could hear a message pop up on his laptop screen. For these shots I kept the sound levels up, and during the other shots I lowered the sound levels so that you could hardly hear anything going on in the shot. I then adjusted the sound levels on the second scene. Throughout this scene you are able to hear the wind in the background, and this was especially loud during the first shot. Therefore I lowered the sound levels so that you could only slightly heard the background noise, but then kept the sound levels the same throughout the shots were the bullies were speaking. I then went on to do this on the third scene, this is because during the first establishing shot at the beginning of the scene the background noise was very loud and therefore didn’t match up with the other scenes. During the shots where the characters were speaking I adjusted these sound levels so that they were all the same, but a bit quieter then before.
Adding titles:
After adjusting all of these sound levels I then went on to add titles to the end of scene three. These titles include how in some cases bullying isn’t very obvious, and some people may not see that it is happening. I found the information for the 'subtle' bullying title also on the website, and therefore credited the website after using the statistic.  After this I then added a title at the end of the production which includes the website, and also that anybody can visit the website for help and advice on the issue of bullying. Finally after doing this I then downloaded the logo off of the internet, and then went on to import and include it on all my titles which I had got the statistics off of the website. This is so that the audience can clearly see where I had got the statistics from and this may then prompt them to visit the website. 

Placing audio:
The last thing that I had to do after finishing editing all of the shots together and making sure that each shot flows into the next was importing the soundtrack. I played around with the soundtrack a few times, and only put it in the sections where the titles were. After looking over it I decided that the music wasn’t as effective as I would have liked it to be, and therefore I went on to drag the music over the whole production. This then set the mood for the whole production, and added effective in the areas where there was no dialogue being spoken by the actors. After doing this I made sure that you could still heard the sound effects in areas where the phone was ringing, and the messages were popping up on Facebook. I also made sure that you could hear the bullies in scene two, and also the conversation between the two girls and Jemma in scene three.

 After doing this I then exported my first draft of my anti-bullying advertising campaign to be marked, and then given back for any improvements that I may need to make. When exporting the footage I had to ensure that I saved it in the right area, and under the right settings because if this is not done correctly it may not play back once it is exported. Although, before doing this I rendered the entire works area to ensure that the production didn't freeze at any point whilst being played. 


Although, during the editing of the first draft I had realised that you are not able to focus on one thing in the shot and blur out everything else, and that this needs to be done on the camera during filming. Therefore when the actor is available I will go back and re-film this section for scene one which I will then include in my second draft of my advertising campaign. 

Editing first draft-27/03/2014

In today’s lesson I continued to edit the first draft of my anti-bullying advertising campaign.
I began by checking over all of the footage that I had recently edited together to make sure all the shots were in order, and also that all the action happening in the shots matched up.
Adding transitions: Whilst looking over the footage I added in some cross dissolve 
transitions as this allowed the action to look continuous, and was more effective than using a simple cut. I used the cross dissolve editing technique quite a lot during the first scene whilst Mitchell receives a call from an unknown number, and also whilst he is scrolling 
through Facebook on his laptop. This allowed the shot to
look continuous, and would fade into the next shot rather
than just cutting straight from one piece of action to another.  

I then looked at the end of scene two which shows Lewis being kicked whilst lying on the floor.  At the end of the scene I have included a shot where Lewis looks towards the camera. This shot is used to show a close-up shot of Lewis’s facial expressions whilst being kicked by the bullies. This shot was quite short and therefore the audience were not able to see Lewis’s facial expressions for a long period of time. Therefore I slowed down the speed of the shot, and this allowed the action to look as though it was going in slow motion. This will then allow the audience to see clearly how upset Lewis is actually feeling. 

When moving on to the third scene I added a fade in and fade out transition at both the beginning and end of the scene. 

Adding titles:

After doing this I then went back to the second scene and added titles to the end of the scene stating how many young 

people are physically abused, and also on how many cases weapons are used when a bullying occurs.  To do this I firstly added a blank title. I then went onto the '' website to find some statistics on physical bullying, and if there was any information on the topic which I could include in my
final production. After doing this I then added the
'' logo onto the title so that the audience
 will be able to see that I got the statistic from Beatbullying.

Importing audio:
After doing this I then imported music onto my premiere project. This music included a piano cover of ‘Strong’ by London Gramma which is quite a slow, sad song. I had chosen this cover to include in my final production because I believe that it fits in well with the theme of the storyline which is being shown, and also portrays the mood of the production. 


During the next editing stage I will be placing the soundtrack on the timeline, and including the music where it will best portray the mood of the advertising campaign. I will also be adding titles to the end of scene three, and may also include video transitions to help each shot go continuously into the next. 

Wednesday, 26 March 2014

Editing- First draft 26/03/14

Adding transitions:
I began by editing together the first scene, which begins with Mitchell walking into the house. To put each shot together I used a straight cut, but used a fade in and fade out shot at both the beginning and the end of the scene. During the scene there were some shots which were lighter than others, therefore I used a ‘brightness and contrast’ editing technique on these shots, and then made the shots darker, and some shots lighter so that the lighting looked continuous throughout. Also during this scene some shots sounded a lot louder than others, especially when Mitchell was walking into his house and going up the stairs. To change this I adjusted the sound levels on the audio of each shot so that each shot sounded a lot quieter, and the sound levels matched with the other shots.
Adding titles:
After doing this I then added a title at the beginning of the whole production which quoted the definition of bullying, and also on average how many children are bullied, and how many people witness bullying happening. To gather all of the information for the opening titles I used the statistics and information that I had already gathered during the research stage. The statistics that I had used on these titles were from As well as this I also included titles at the end of scene one. These titles were based on the amount of people who had been cyber-bullied, and also the amount of suicides in young people which were caused by bullying, and again I had found these statistics from

After editing together scene one I then moved on to scene two. I began by putting all of the shots that I was going to be using onto the timeline.
Adding transitions:After doing this I then used a simple cut to go from each shot, and made shot that the shots looked continuous throughout, and that the action matched up. We had filmed from many different angles for this scene, including the point of view of the three bullies, and also the point of view from Lewis. Therefore I combined these shots together, so that the audience are able to see the point of view from both the victim and the bullies. When editing together these shots I used an ‘echo’ editing technique. This technique allowed the shot to look slightly blurry, and the audio sounded quite distant, as though it was what the victim was hearing whilst the bullies were kicking him. I then included a fade in and fade out transition at the end of the scene, which will allow the audience to see that the scene had finished. I had also used a 'brightness and contrast' editing technique to adjust the brightness of the first shot. This is because the first shot is quite a lot brighter than the second shot, and therefore the shots do not flow continuously into each other. I therefore turned down the brightness on the first shot, and made the second shot brighter.  

I then went on to edit together scene three. I began again by putting all of the footage in order onto the timeline in premiere.
Adding transitions:
For this scene I used a straight cut to go from shot to shot, although I think I may add transitions further on during the editing stage.
For this scene we had filmed from many different shots, such as close up shots of the victim (Jemma’s) face, and also from the two ‘bullies’ faces. This would allow the audience to see the facial expressions of both the victim and the bullies throughout the scene. As I was using a simple cut to go from shot to shot I had to ensure that the action matched up at each stage. Whilst the conversation was happening I had used the close up shots of Jemma when she was speaking, and then the close up shots of the two girls when they were speaking. This meant that I had to ensure that I cut at the correct place so that the conversation would continue in the next shot.
 I also included a match on action shot which shows a close-up shot of one of the ‘bullies’ opening the door by the handle, and then the next shot shows them walking through the door. When putting together this shot I had to ensure that both shots matched up, and that the action continued at the right stage. I haven’t yet used any transitions to link two shots together, although further along the editing stage I think I may do this. I then used a fade in and fade out shot at both the beginning and end of the scene to show the audience that the scene had finished.
When moving on to the next stage of editing I will be including more transitions to go from each shot, and also using more editing techniques to make the shots look up to a more professional standard. In some of the shots that I had used the sound levels were different, and therefore I will be adjusting these levels during the next editing stage. Finally I will be including titles at the end of every shot which will include statistics about the type of bullying which has been show in the scene. After I have completed editing everything together I will then be importing the music which will be played at the end of every scene.

Wednesday, 19 March 2014

Shot log-'Subtle bullying'

Today I had completed a shot log from the footage that we had recently filmed for scene 3. Scene three is set in the sixth form common room where it shows Jemma meeting up with her friends. Her friends then begin to make nasty comments about her, and then they run off leaving Jemma on her own.
A shot log is essential when creating a media production because it allows both the production crew and the editing team to see what shots they are going to be using, and also what shots you would not be including in your final production. The shot log then allows the production crew to write up the edit decision list which shows which shows we will be using in our final production, and also which section of the shot we will be using. The edit decision list also states what is going on in the shot and also what transitions we want to use to go from one shot to the next. All of this information is included so that the editors know what shots to use, and what order to put the shots in.
After reviewing all of the footage that we had filmed for scene three we have decided as a group that we are not going to film anything. This is because you are able to hear the actors clearly, and also there isn't much background noise throughout. Also we were able to film everything, and we had filmed each section from a range of angles and shots, including close-up shots, long shots and also establishing shots. 

Monday, 17 March 2014

Edit decision list

 I have produced an edit decision list which includes all of the shots which I will be including in my final production. The edit decision list states what is going on in the shot, when the shot will begin and end and also what type of edit will be used. The edit decision list is essential because it shows the editor what shots to include when it comes to editing, when to begin and end the shot, and also what edit to use to move from one shot to the next. As I will be editing the production myself it will help me when I reach the editing stage as I will be able to see what shots I am going to be including, when I should cut the shot and also what edit I am going to be using to move from one shot to the next. In my edit decision list I have ensured that I am not using too much of each shot, and that I will be cutting out any background noise in the shot and also any place where you are able to see the camera jolt. When going from shot to shot I have also used a straight cut, but at the end of each scene they will fade out to show that the scene is over. As well as including the tranistions that i am going to be using I have also included an entry for where the titles are going to be, and also the length of time that these titles are going to go on for. As I have now decided what shots and edits I am going to be using for my final production I can now move onto the editing stage and put together the footage for my anti-bullying advertising campaign.




Filming scene 3 ‘Subtle bullying’- Friday 14th March 2014

As we were not going to be using any of the footage that we had filmed during the last filming date we decided to re-film the whole of scene 3. Scene three shows the three girls sitting at a table talking and giggling when Jemma walks over. The three girls then begin to make comments towards Jemma and leave her out of conversations. Jemma then walks over to get a drink and the three girls then run off leaving Jemma on her own. Jemma then runs into the toilets and goes into a cubical where she starts to cry. The three girls then walk into the toilets and see that Jemma has been crying and then say to her that it was all only a joke. This scene is an example of ‘subtle’ bullying, which is when the nasty comments that they are making towards their ‘friend’ is bullying just the bullies and sometimes the victims don’t see it.
When filming this scene again the actors we used firstly couldn’t film again, therefore both me and Tayler decided to play the two ‘bullies’ and another actor played Jemma. Conall then filmed and was in charge of controlling the sound levels by using the boom mic, and also by using a tie mic. We had decided to use a tie mic so that you would be able to hear Jemma talking loudly and clearly throughout the conversation with the two girls. Me and Tayler also took on the roles of directing ourselves and made sure that we knew what to say, and where we should be in the shot.
We had firstly filmed an establishing shot of the sixth form common room so that the audience could see where the scene was going to be set. We then filmed the scene the whole way through by using a mid-shot showing all the actors in the scene. After filming the scene the whole way through we then filmed the scene again using a close-up shot showing the two ‘bullies’ talking throughout the conversation, and we then used a close-up shot showing Jemma during the conversation. We then went on to film close up’s which show Jemma’s facial expressions when the girls run off and leave her on her own, and also when she is standing in the toilets crying. We tried to use a range of shots such as ‘match on action’ which shows the hand of one of the girls opening the door, and then showing both of the girls walking through the door. We did this so that this scene would look continuous throughout.

The camera work looked professional throughout, and as a group we have agreed that we would not have to re-film any part of this scene. This is because there weren’t many people in the background of each shot and therefore you are able to clearly hear what the actors are saying throughout the scene. Also as we used both the boom mic and tie mic it had picked up the actors speaking, and therefore you are able to understand what they are saying. Also we ensured that we used a range of angles and shots so that we had enough shots to include in our final production. Also we wanted to use close up shots to show the actors facial expressions, and so that the audience are able to understand how the victim is feeling throughout.
As a group we had all worked well together as we had each individually added our input into each shot and camera angles that we used. We also used all of the equipment as effectively as possible, and had used them to the best of our ability. We had placed both the boom mic in a place which we believed that it would pick up the best sound, and also had put the tie mic as close to Jemma’s mouth as possible without being able to see it during the shot.  We also filmed in a place in the common room which was the lightest so that you could see the actors clearly, and we also kept the lights off so that the lighting looked continuous throughout.

Thursday, 13 March 2014

Shot log- 'Subtle Bullying'

Today I had completed a shot log from the footage that we had recently filmed for scene 3. Scene three is set in the sixth form common room where it shows Jemma meeting up with her friends. Her friends then begin to make nasty comments about her, and then they run off leaving Jemma on her own.
A shot log is essential because it shows the production crews what shots we will be using, and why we will be using those shots. This shot log then helps the production crew to come up with the edit decision list which shows which shots go where in the final production, and also what transitions will be used to go from shot to shot.
After reviewing all of the footage that we had taken for scene 3 we had decided as a group that we were going to re-film it. We also didn’t have enough time to film everything in a couple of hours and therefore we decided to re-film the whole of scene three. 

Thursday, 6 March 2014

28/02/14 Filming scene 3- ‘Subtle bullying’

After looking over the footage that we had taken when filming scene 3 before we realised that the audio levels were very low, and that you couldn’t hear the actors when they were speaking over the noise in the background. This is to do with not using the boom pole when the actors were speaking into the boom mic, and also because there was a lot of people in the common room making a lot of noise. As a group we then decided that we were going to re-film scene three to ensure that it looks professional. This Scene shows three girls sitting at a table talking and giggling when Jemma walks over. The three girls then begin to make comments towards Jemma and leave her out of conversations. Jemma then walks over to get a drink and the three girls then run off leaving Jemma on her own. Jemma then runs into the toilets and goes into a cubical where she starts to cry. The three girls then walk into the toilets and see that Jemma has been crying and then say to her that it was all only a joke. This scene is an example of ‘subtle’ bullying, which is when the nasty comments that they are making towards their ‘friend’ is bullying just the bullies and sometimes the victims don’t see it.
The four actors that we had used when filming scene 3 wasn’t able to film on this day and therefore members of the production crew had to act in the scene, including myself. This meant that Conall had to take on the role as camera person as well as sound person, and Keeley, Tayler and I took on the roles of directing ourselves on where to go in the scene and what lines we would take on. As we only had three actors Keeley took on the role of Jemma and myself and Tayler took on the roles of the two girls.  As you wasn’t able to hear the actors speaking very well during the first day of filming we decided to use a tie mic. The tie mic was plugged into another camera which we put into Keeley’s pocket, and then attached the tie-mic to her dress making sure you couldn’t see the wire. We also used a boom pole to put mic onto so that we were able to hold it closer to the actors without seeing the mic in the shot. We were only able to film the whole thing through from two different angles as both camera had run out of battery. The first angle was a long shot starting with Jemma walking over and finishing with the two girls running off, leaving Jemma on her own. When looking back over the footage the camera was kept steady throughout and you were also able to hear the actors clearly. We also used the 180 degree rule when filming the conversation between the two girls and Jemma. In this shot again the camera was kept still and you were able to clearly hear the actors.
Although the camera work looked professional as a group we have decided to re-film this scene in a different location. This is because there was a lot of background noise in each piece of footage, and the noise changed during each shot that we filmed. Therefore we putting all of the footage it wouldn’t look and sound continuous, and this will result in our final production looking unprofessional. We have decided to film in Queensbury school’s sixth form common room as throughout the day it isn’t very busy.
As a group we all worked well together, adding out input into each shot and saying what camera angles we shout be using. We also used the boom mic and tie mic as effectively as possible, and placed them both somewhere where they would pick up the best sound. We also filmed in an area of the common room which gets the most light so that you could see the actors clearly, and also where it is set.