Thursday, 6 February 2014

Wednesday 5th February 2014- Filming scene 3

Today we decided to film scene three. This scene shows three girls sitting at a table talking and giggling when Jemma walks over. The three girls then begin to make comments towards Jemma and leave her out of conversations. Jemma then walks over to get a drink and the three girls then run off leaving Jemma on her own. Jemma then runs into the toilets and goes into a cubical where she starts to cry. The three girls then walk into the toilets and see that Jemma has been crying and then say to her that it was all only a joke. This scene is an example of ‘subtle’ bullying, which is when the nasty comments that they are making towards their ‘friend’ is bullying just the bullies and sometimes the victims don’t see it.

When filming this scene my role was to be the camera person alongside Tayler, which included filming a range of shots including establishing shots, mid shots and close ups. I also directed the actors, alongside the rest of the production crew, in the scene and told them where they should be sitting/standing and where they would enter and leave. Both I and Tayler firstly filmed the establishing shot of the sixth form common room, showing the three girls sitting on the table and also other students sitting in the common room. We filmed this shot three times to ensure that we got the best shot, and one that looked like it was at a professional standard. We also filmed the whole scene three times from different angles. The first time we filmed the scene we filmed it from the front showing the three girls faces. We then shot it from behind the three girls so that you was able to see ‘Jemma’s’ face, and lastly from the front again but at a slight angle so that you were able to see the three girls facial expressions more clearly. We also filmed close up shots of the girls and Jemma’s facial expressions when the three girls were saying something nasty to Jemma, or we wanted to show the mood of the characters in the scene. After this we then went on to film Jemma and the three girls walking out of the sixth form common room. When the three girls were walking out of the common room we wanted to use the match on action editing technique, therefore we filmed the girls walking towards the door, then a close up shot of one of the girls opening the door, and then finally them walking through from the other side. When filming Jemma walking out the door we wanted to be able to see her facial expression as we wanted the audience to see that she was upset. Therefore we used a mid-shot so that the camera was close enough to show her expression, and also to show that she was walking out of the room.
We then moved on to film inside the toilets. We used various shots to show the characters walking into the toilets, and when inside the toilets we used a close up shot of the toilet door where you are just able to hear Jemma crying. After this we then used a long shot to show the girls surrounding Jemma asking her why she is crying, and saying that it was only a joke. We then decided to use a close up shot to show Jemma’s facial expression to show the audience that she is upset, and that clearly she was hurt by the things they were saying to her. As we wanted to ensure that we got the best shots we filmed everything three times, and also filmed from a range of angles so that we will be able to allow the audience to see how the characters are feeling throughout the scene.

I believe that we worked well as a team on the filming of this scene. This is because we each added our input into how we believed the scene would look better, and the different shots that we could use to add affect and emotion. We also all took on a role and carried out that role to the best of our abilities. Both Conall and Keeley were used as extras to make it look as though there were more students sitting in the common room, but they were still able to give us there input and advise us on what shots would look best for each piece of action taking place. To improve I believe that we should have looked over the footage on the camera during filming so that we could have filmed sections again if we needed to. This is because when watching some shots back the camera was slightly slanted and also in some scenes the noise in the background was a lot louder than others, although we could not control this as students were walking in and out of the common room at different times. Also we could have used more close up shots as we had only used a couple throughout the scene, this would have then allowed the audience to get a better understanding of how the characters were feeling. Although, I believe that the shots we used worked well and effectively and when putting it all together during the editing stage we will have a wide range of shots to use. We also used the boom mic effectively as you are able to hear the actors speaking loudly instead of hearing all of the noise in the background. After filming this scene I have learnt that we should of picked a location where there wouldn’t be students walking in and out at different times as the noise level changes during some of the shots. 

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