Monday, 3 February 2014

Floor plans

 In today’s lesson I completed the floor plans. These plans are essential because they enable the production crew to see where they will be placing the camera in the location, and it also shows where the actors will be stood in the scene and any furniture that is in the location. This allows the production crew to also see whether any furniture will be in the way during the shot, and if we will have to move anything to make room for the camera and actors. I also included a key at the top which tells you which symbol is for the door, furniture, actor, camera and camera position. When completing the floor plans I created one for each location as we will then be able to see the amount of room that we have to film in each location. These locations include the girls sixth form toilets, sixth form common room, keeley’s house and finally the school playground. When designing these floor plans I had to look back at pictures, and re-visit some of the locations so that I was able to see where the furniture and doors were in these locations, and also where the camera and actors would be placed in the scene so that we would be able to get the shots needed. After completing these floor plans we are now able to know what angle we will be filming from in the location, and if we need to move any furniture around so that we can get the most effective shots for our production. 


Conall also went on to complete the floor plans for the scene which shows Lewis getting followed and beaten up by the bullies, and also the scene which shows the three girls sitting in the sixth form common room making subtle comments towards Jemma. These floor plans show where the actors will be standing in the scene, where the camera will be placed and any furniture which is in the room, such as tables and where the doors are in the room.

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