Friday, 29 November 2013

Editing techniques

Editing techniques
This video production displays editing techniques which are currently used in the media industry. We were given this task to show my understanding of the current editing techniques currently used in films and television.
This film shows two students walking to school, one student has a normal walk to school whilst the other ends up tripping over a branch and walking into a door. To show the difference between the two walks to school I decided to use the ‘split screen’ editing technique. This technique allows me to show both of the students walking at the same time, and shows how different their walks to school were. I also used the editing technique ‘slow motion’ which shows the action happening more slowly, and therefore the audience are able to see more clearly what is happening in the shot. After doing this I then went on to show the two characters walking into school. For these shots I used the ‘cross cutting’ technique, which switches from one shot to the other, but showing the same action happening.
I have used a’ long shot’ to show the character walking towards the school. I have used this shot as it allows the audience to get a clearer idea of the character, as they are able to see what clothes they are wearing, how they walk/present themselves, which allows the audience to see what type of character they are playing.
‘Match on action’ was used to show the characters going to grab the door from two different angles. Firstly it was shown from further away, so that you were able to see everything that was going on in the shot, and secondly we used a close up shot to show his hand opening the door. I then went on to use a ‘close-up’ shot to show the characters facial expression when walking into the door.
I then moved on to show the other characters point of view, where they were walking through the door into the school. In this shot it shows somebody holding open the door for the character, to show how pleasant their walk to school was. In this shot I have used the editing technique ‘Jump cut’, which is used to speed up the action happening in the shot so that they audience don’t get bored whilst watching.
When entering the building I went on to use a ‘point of view shot’, which shows the camera angle from the point of view of both characters. This is to allow the audience to see the action happening through the characters eyes. When using this editing technique I also sped up the shot does not go on for too long, and that the audience do not get bored.
Finally I used the 180 degree, which shows both of the characters facial expressions. This allows the audience to see the reaction of the characters during the conversation.

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