Research strategy/Proposal for
television campaign
Idea Summery
We are going to be creating an advertising campaign for the ‘’ organisation to make the public aware of the bullying that goes on amongst children, and also that there are services which help children who are affected by bullying. Not only do we want to bring bullying to the public’s attention and the impact that bullying has on young children but we also want to bring the organisation to the public’s attention. This is because many children who are being bullied believe that they are alone and have nobody to talk to, but this organisation allows children to talk to mentors or other children about what they are going through, and also get help and advice.
Team members and research roles
We are going to be working in a group to create our anti-bullying advertising campaign.
The team members are;
Laura Fanning
Conall Murray
Keeley Bernarde
Tayla Davies-Lewis
As a group we are all taking on roles to carry out the research to create a television campaign for the organisation ‘’. Each member of the group will be carrying out both primary and secondary research, so that we can gather all the information that we need to ensure our advertising campaign is successful.
Audience research
As a group we will all be carrying out audience research to find out who we will be aiming our advertising campaign at. Audience research is important because it allows you to find out who you are aiming your production at; so that you can make sure that your audience is interested whilst watching, and understands what is going on in the advert.
There are many ways you could carry out audience research. You could firstly start by using primary research, which is research you gather and carry out yourself.
You would firstly use primary research to find out who to target the advertisement at. As bullying mostly occurs in teenagers you would firstly want to target them. Teenagers tend to go onto the internet a lot and access social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter, I could set up a questionnaire on these social networking sites so that children would be able to fill them in. Also bullying occurs a lot on social networking sites, and therefore children may feel as though by filling in this questionnaire that they can get the impact of bullying to young children publicised and understood. When putting together the questionnaire I could use both closed and open ended questions, so that they can gather both qualitative and quantitative data.
When finding out what audience we would want to target for our advertising campaign we could also use secondary research. A secondary research method which we could use in relation to audience research is using internet research. As a group we could go online and research more into bullying, and the types of people and age groups who tend to get bullied.
I could also go to data gathering agency’s to find out what information they have already got together about bullying. Also we could go online to find out what the public’s views are on bullying. To do this we could set up on online poll with questions in relation to bullying, and then allow the public to fill it out. By doing this we could gather a lot of information from a range of people from different genders and age groups.
Market research
We would then need to research into market research, which is research you use to find out if there is a place in the market for your advertising campaign. There are also many different ways to carry this out, for example by using primary and secondary research.
In relation to primary research we could set up a questionnaire. This questionnaire will compose of questions about whether as an audience they believe there is a gap in the market for an anti-bullying campaign. When collecting this information I could put the information into both qualitative and quantitative data, by asking either both open or closed questions. By asking closed questions we would gather quantitative data, and this will therefore be easier to gather and conclude as all of the information will be in things such as charts or tally’s.
A research method which we could use to find out whether the advertising campaign would fit into the market is by looking on the internet at other advertising campaigns.
By doing this we would be able to see the way in which they have gone about promoting the different charities, or topics which people want to bring to the public’s attention. After looking at this we could then go on to taking ideas out of their campaigns which they had done well on, and the different things which had made the advertisement stand out. We would also want to make my advert different to all of the others, so that it stands out and is brought to the public’s attention.
Production research
We would finally have to carry out production research for our anti-bullying campaign. There are many things involved in the production of a television advert, such as choosing the right setting, writing the script, choosing the actors, the props and the costumes you want to use.
We would be mainly carrying out primary research, as we would need to visit locations and fill out location recce sheets to see if the locations are suitable. We would also be using secondary research, as we would be researching online to research into different people’s stories to write the script for the advert. We would need to do this to ensure that the storyline is as realistic as possible, and so that other people who are being bullied can relate to it.
We could also research into editing techniques and different camera work techniques; so that we could make sure our campaign looks professional and different to any other campaign which has already been shown. We would have to research into the different types of music and audio that we would want to use before we begin production. Also if we wanted to include statics in our production about bullying, and the amount of children who suffer from bullying or commit suicide from bullying each year we would have to research into these, so that we are able to get the correct statics from a trusted website.
Research issues
Our aims and objectives for this project is to create an anti-bullying campaign to raise awareness not only for bullying, but also for our chosen organisation. There shouldn’t be many issues to carry this out, although some people may not believe that bullying is an issue, and therefore wouldn’t understand the reason behind our campaign. Also they may not believe that our definition of bullying is right, and that some of the things that we class as bullying they wouldn’t. Another issue which could occur is that our chosen organisation do not want to get involved with our campaign and therefore we would have to find another charity who would want the awareness and recognition.
Social, personal and political issues;
There are many issues which could occur in relation to social, personal and political issues. The first issue which could occur is that people may feel embarrassed to tell us there story of any experiences they have had in relation to bullying. They may not want to give a detailed answer when asked questions from a questionnaire, and therefore we would not be able to conclude any qualitative data. The social issues regarding our anti-bullying campaign is that some people may not see bullying as an issue and therefore would not understand our aims to carry out this advertising campaign, and also may not want to accept our advertisement. There have been many political issues surrounding bullying, especially cyber bullying, in schools around the country. Therefore a lot of effort has been made to try and cut down on bullying in schools, and this means that people may pay attention and understand our advertisement.
Ethical considerations;
When creating an advertising campaign ethical issues should always be taken into consideration. When creating our anti-bullying campaign there could be many ethical considerations that we would have to make. For example it would be ethically wrong to show bullying in a good light, as it is an issue which affects many teenagers and this then may cause them distress and upset. We would have to make sure that throughout our advertisement we do not show any material which could be seen as ethically wrong and cause any harm or upset amongst the viewers. To do this we would have to ensure that we research into any ethical issues which could occur, or anything which could cause our target audience any harm or upset and ensure that we avoid doing these things.
Awareness of sensitivities around subjects;
When creating our anti-bullying campaign we would have to make sure that we research into issues which have recently occurred due to bullying. This is so that we know when producing our campaign or asking members of the public questions that we don’t discuss or talk about in too much detail any sensitive subjects which could cause people upset. Recently in the news there have been stories about teenagers committing suicide due to being bullied over the internet. Therefore as a group we will ensure that we do not ask detailed questions on this as it may cause upset amongst some people. As we want our storyline to be as realistic as possible we are going to want to research into real life bullying stories. To do this we may need to email, or interview people who have been bullied, and therefore when doing this we will have to ensure that the questions we ask does not cause that person to become upset as there would be many sensitive feelings around the subject.
Community resources and characteristics;
There are many resources that we could use to find out information needed for our campaign. As we are currently still at school we could ask and interview people at the school who may have had an issue with bullying, or know somebody who has been bullied. Also as the organisation that we want to create our campaign for is based in London, we could also go there and interview the founder, or people working for the organisation. This way we can find out first-hand what they do, and also the reasons behind setting up the organisation. We also have internet access at school where we can research more into bullying, and find out real life bullying stories which have been in the news, and also on the internet we can research more into the organisation.
Access issues;
As we live in the UK we could easily email, call or even visit the ‘Beatbullying’ organisation which is based in London. Also we can access the internet whilst at school and therefore research into bullying, and find out some bullying stories which we would want to include in our storyline. Although some websites on the schools computers do not allow you to access them and therefore some of the research will have to be carried out at home.
Existing comparable work;
When researching into bullying, and looking at different campaigns which have covered this I believe that it will be easy to find all of this information on the internet. This is because bullying is a topic which is talked about all over the internet and therefore there will be a lot of things we could look into. The only issue I believe that could occur is narrowing down all of this information, and picking out what we would use in our campaign. Also there have already been many advertising campaign based around bullying, and therefore we could research into and look at these and take ideas from what we believe worked well.
Funding issues;
As we are students we currently do not have a lot of money to fund for our advertising campaign. Therefore as this is a school production we would be able to get all the equipment needed to film our campaign from the school, and we would film the campaign somewhere where we wouldn’t have to pay to use it. Also the information that we are going to gather will be from the internet which we can access free of charge and carry out questionnaires ourselves and give them out to students around school and our friends and family. Therefore I believe that there will not be any issues in relation to the funding of our advertising campaign.
Opportunities for distribution and exhibition;
When we have finished producing our advertising campaign we would then think about where we are going to show our campaign so that it could get as many views as possible. We would firstly want to put it onto Youtube, but before doing that we would have to look at any copyright issues which could occur. The school may also want to use our campaign to make students around the school aware of bullying. Finally we would want to show the ‘Beatbullying’ organisation so that they could show it on their website, to not only make people aware of bullying but also of their organisations. If they allow us to do so we would have to ensure that the people included in the advert are aware of this and that they have signed a disclosure form, which agrees to them being shown in our advertisement.
We are going to be creating an advertising campaign for the ‘’ organisation to make the public aware of the bullying that goes on amongst children, and also that there are services which help children who are affected by bullying. Not only do we want to bring bullying to the public’s attention and the impact that bullying has on young children but we also want to bring the organisation to the public’s attention. This is because many children who are being bullied believe that they are alone and have nobody to talk to, but this organisation allows children to talk to mentors or other children about what they are going through, and also get help and advice.
Team members and research roles
We are going to be working in a group to create our anti-bullying advertising campaign.
The team members are;
Laura Fanning
Conall Murray
Keeley Bernarde
Tayla Davies-Lewis
As a group we are all taking on roles to carry out the research to create a television campaign for the organisation ‘’. Each member of the group will be carrying out both primary and secondary research, so that we can gather all the information that we need to ensure our advertising campaign is successful.
Audience research
As a group we will all be carrying out audience research to find out who we will be aiming our advertising campaign at. Audience research is important because it allows you to find out who you are aiming your production at; so that you can make sure that your audience is interested whilst watching, and understands what is going on in the advert.
There are many ways you could carry out audience research. You could firstly start by using primary research, which is research you gather and carry out yourself.
You would firstly use primary research to find out who to target the advertisement at. As bullying mostly occurs in teenagers you would firstly want to target them. Teenagers tend to go onto the internet a lot and access social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter, I could set up a questionnaire on these social networking sites so that children would be able to fill them in. Also bullying occurs a lot on social networking sites, and therefore children may feel as though by filling in this questionnaire that they can get the impact of bullying to young children publicised and understood. When putting together the questionnaire I could use both closed and open ended questions, so that they can gather both qualitative and quantitative data.
When finding out what audience we would want to target for our advertising campaign we could also use secondary research. A secondary research method which we could use in relation to audience research is using internet research. As a group we could go online and research more into bullying, and the types of people and age groups who tend to get bullied.
I could also go to data gathering agency’s to find out what information they have already got together about bullying. Also we could go online to find out what the public’s views are on bullying. To do this we could set up on online poll with questions in relation to bullying, and then allow the public to fill it out. By doing this we could gather a lot of information from a range of people from different genders and age groups.
Market research
We would then need to research into market research, which is research you use to find out if there is a place in the market for your advertising campaign. There are also many different ways to carry this out, for example by using primary and secondary research.
In relation to primary research we could set up a questionnaire. This questionnaire will compose of questions about whether as an audience they believe there is a gap in the market for an anti-bullying campaign. When collecting this information I could put the information into both qualitative and quantitative data, by asking either both open or closed questions. By asking closed questions we would gather quantitative data, and this will therefore be easier to gather and conclude as all of the information will be in things such as charts or tally’s.
A research method which we could use to find out whether the advertising campaign would fit into the market is by looking on the internet at other advertising campaigns.
By doing this we would be able to see the way in which they have gone about promoting the different charities, or topics which people want to bring to the public’s attention. After looking at this we could then go on to taking ideas out of their campaigns which they had done well on, and the different things which had made the advertisement stand out. We would also want to make my advert different to all of the others, so that it stands out and is brought to the public’s attention.
Production research
We would finally have to carry out production research for our anti-bullying campaign. There are many things involved in the production of a television advert, such as choosing the right setting, writing the script, choosing the actors, the props and the costumes you want to use.
We would be mainly carrying out primary research, as we would need to visit locations and fill out location recce sheets to see if the locations are suitable. We would also be using secondary research, as we would be researching online to research into different people’s stories to write the script for the advert. We would need to do this to ensure that the storyline is as realistic as possible, and so that other people who are being bullied can relate to it.
We could also research into editing techniques and different camera work techniques; so that we could make sure our campaign looks professional and different to any other campaign which has already been shown. We would have to research into the different types of music and audio that we would want to use before we begin production. Also if we wanted to include statics in our production about bullying, and the amount of children who suffer from bullying or commit suicide from bullying each year we would have to research into these, so that we are able to get the correct statics from a trusted website.
Research issues
Our aims and objectives for this project is to create an anti-bullying campaign to raise awareness not only for bullying, but also for our chosen organisation. There shouldn’t be many issues to carry this out, although some people may not believe that bullying is an issue, and therefore wouldn’t understand the reason behind our campaign. Also they may not believe that our definition of bullying is right, and that some of the things that we class as bullying they wouldn’t. Another issue which could occur is that our chosen organisation do not want to get involved with our campaign and therefore we would have to find another charity who would want the awareness and recognition.
Social, personal and political issues;
There are many issues which could occur in relation to social, personal and political issues. The first issue which could occur is that people may feel embarrassed to tell us there story of any experiences they have had in relation to bullying. They may not want to give a detailed answer when asked questions from a questionnaire, and therefore we would not be able to conclude any qualitative data. The social issues regarding our anti-bullying campaign is that some people may not see bullying as an issue and therefore would not understand our aims to carry out this advertising campaign, and also may not want to accept our advertisement. There have been many political issues surrounding bullying, especially cyber bullying, in schools around the country. Therefore a lot of effort has been made to try and cut down on bullying in schools, and this means that people may pay attention and understand our advertisement.
Ethical considerations;
When creating an advertising campaign ethical issues should always be taken into consideration. When creating our anti-bullying campaign there could be many ethical considerations that we would have to make. For example it would be ethically wrong to show bullying in a good light, as it is an issue which affects many teenagers and this then may cause them distress and upset. We would have to make sure that throughout our advertisement we do not show any material which could be seen as ethically wrong and cause any harm or upset amongst the viewers. To do this we would have to ensure that we research into any ethical issues which could occur, or anything which could cause our target audience any harm or upset and ensure that we avoid doing these things.
Awareness of sensitivities around subjects;
When creating our anti-bullying campaign we would have to make sure that we research into issues which have recently occurred due to bullying. This is so that we know when producing our campaign or asking members of the public questions that we don’t discuss or talk about in too much detail any sensitive subjects which could cause people upset. Recently in the news there have been stories about teenagers committing suicide due to being bullied over the internet. Therefore as a group we will ensure that we do not ask detailed questions on this as it may cause upset amongst some people. As we want our storyline to be as realistic as possible we are going to want to research into real life bullying stories. To do this we may need to email, or interview people who have been bullied, and therefore when doing this we will have to ensure that the questions we ask does not cause that person to become upset as there would be many sensitive feelings around the subject.
Community resources and characteristics;
There are many resources that we could use to find out information needed for our campaign. As we are currently still at school we could ask and interview people at the school who may have had an issue with bullying, or know somebody who has been bullied. Also as the organisation that we want to create our campaign for is based in London, we could also go there and interview the founder, or people working for the organisation. This way we can find out first-hand what they do, and also the reasons behind setting up the organisation. We also have internet access at school where we can research more into bullying, and find out real life bullying stories which have been in the news, and also on the internet we can research more into the organisation.
Access issues;
As we live in the UK we could easily email, call or even visit the ‘Beatbullying’ organisation which is based in London. Also we can access the internet whilst at school and therefore research into bullying, and find out some bullying stories which we would want to include in our storyline. Although some websites on the schools computers do not allow you to access them and therefore some of the research will have to be carried out at home.
Existing comparable work;
When researching into bullying, and looking at different campaigns which have covered this I believe that it will be easy to find all of this information on the internet. This is because bullying is a topic which is talked about all over the internet and therefore there will be a lot of things we could look into. The only issue I believe that could occur is narrowing down all of this information, and picking out what we would use in our campaign. Also there have already been many advertising campaign based around bullying, and therefore we could research into and look at these and take ideas from what we believe worked well.
Funding issues;
As we are students we currently do not have a lot of money to fund for our advertising campaign. Therefore as this is a school production we would be able to get all the equipment needed to film our campaign from the school, and we would film the campaign somewhere where we wouldn’t have to pay to use it. Also the information that we are going to gather will be from the internet which we can access free of charge and carry out questionnaires ourselves and give them out to students around school and our friends and family. Therefore I believe that there will not be any issues in relation to the funding of our advertising campaign.
Opportunities for distribution and exhibition;
When we have finished producing our advertising campaign we would then think about where we are going to show our campaign so that it could get as many views as possible. We would firstly want to put it onto Youtube, but before doing that we would have to look at any copyright issues which could occur. The school may also want to use our campaign to make students around the school aware of bullying. Finally we would want to show the ‘Beatbullying’ organisation so that they could show it on their website, to not only make people aware of bullying but also of their organisations. If they allow us to do so we would have to ensure that the people included in the advert are aware of this and that they have signed a disclosure form, which agrees to them being shown in our advertisement.
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