Tuesday, 3 June 2014

Final Draft- Social action and community media production.

After receiving feedback from the second draft of my social action media campaign I then went back and changed my social action production. This was so that it was not only better suited to my target market, but was also up to a professional standard.
I started by adjusting the titles again, making sure that they were all the same size and font, and also that they included the Beatbullying.org logo. As well as this I added in titles to add effective. These were in the physical and subtle bullying scenes where I had short quick titles, which I then the dissolve to white transition to make them seem as though they were flashing in and out. In these titles I have included hurtful words, or examples of things which are classed as bullying such as leaving a person out.
As well as this I have also added a blurred effect to the end shots of the cyber bullying scene, and in the added scene which shows Mitchell drinking the alcohol and taking the pills. This was to show the audience the effect that this type of substance abuse was having on Mitchell, and in the end resulted in suicide.
The main issue that my target audience picked up on was that the audience didn't fit in with the action happening in some of the scenes. Therefore I only added the audio over the whole of the first scene, and then included it during the end of the second scene and again during the end of the third scene. This was then to add emotion to the scenes and also allow the audience to hear the dialogue that is being spoken throughout each scene.
The biggest adjustment that I had made was the audio during the conversation between the girls in scene three. When watching my second draft back I realised that the audio was too quiet and the audience were not able to understand what was being said clearly. Therefore I went back and recorded each actor’s lines using a voice recorder so that each piece of dialogue could be heard clearly. When adding the audio to the timeline it was difficult to match the dialogue in with the actor’s mouths moving, and because of this I believe that I had completed this task to the best of my ability. We had also recorded background noise taken from inside the common room during a busy time so that we were able to include this in our production where the new audio was going to be used.
As well as this I had also added in a range of transitions throughout, including fade to white transitions, and also the cross dissolve transition which allowed me to go from one shot to the other without using a straight cut.
The last change that I had made was adjusting the sound levels on some shots, and making use of the sound bridge technique. The sound bridge technique is where you overlap the audio from one shot to another, allowing the audio from the last shot to play during the beginning of the next shot. This allowed the audio to seem continuous if there was any change in the sound, or any change in background noise. An example of where I had used this technique was coming from scene 1 and straight into scene two. During scene one I had used a soundtrack and therefore I didn't want the music to cut straight from the soundtrack and into the loud wind noise. I therefore carried the audio track along into the beginning of the second scene so that it would ensure that the audio sounded continuous, and didn't just cut from one sound to the next.
I am very happy with my final draft of my anti-bullying social action media production, and believe that all aspects of the production and the three narratives work well together.